2014-04-02 | LALIZAS Lifebuoy Light impresses UK experts!
Lalizas Lifebuoy Light impressed the experts during the crash test of Britain’s best-selling yachting Magazine Practical Boat Owner (Issue 572 April/2014).
Lalizas Lifebuoy Light competed against Baltic flashing LED lifebuoy light, Ocean Safety LBU0205 fixed light, Force 4 flashing lifebuoy light, Ocean Safety Apollo L170 and Sirius Lifebuoy Light which finally took the first place with very small distance from Lalizas, as mentioned by the magazine’s experts.
All Lifebuoy lights were tested under real life circumstances and observed from a number of set ranges from 0.3 miles to 1,5 miles. Lalizas made the difference, performing well even in waves and providing the best visibility among all tested lights .